An Overview Of How A Contractor Can Install A Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner At Your Machine Shop
Installing a full-fledged air conditioning and duct system in a small machine shop can be expensive and time-consuming. A less expensive air conditioning installation is to have a contractor come in and install a ductless mini-split air conditioner. If you own a small machine shop and are concerned if the installation will affect productivity in the shop, here is an overview of what a contractor has to do to install a ductless mini-split air conditioning system in your shop.
Mini-Split Equipment
There are two parts to the ductless mini-split air conditioner system. One part is the condenser unit that creates the cool air and the blower unit the blows the cool air into your building. The blower is located on an exterior wall inside the building and the condenser is placed right outside the exterior wall where the blower is located. The two units are connected together by two refrigerant lines which will move the coolant from the condenser to the blower and back again
Interior Installation Work
The contractor will place a bracket on an exterior wall to mount the blower onto it. They will also need to drill a hole through the wall to run the electrical wires and refrigerant lines to the condenser. Once the hole has been drilled and the bracket has installed, the blower will be mounted to the bracket. The lines to move the refrigeration coolant from the condenser to the blower, a line to drain the condensation that develops in the system and the wires for the electric are all pushed through the hole in the wall as the blower gets mounted onto the bracket.
Exterior Installation Work
The condenser unit is placed on a slab of concrete to keep it directly off of the ground. The condenser will also be bolted to the concrete slab to keep if from tipping over in high winds or if someone were to accidentally bump up against it.
A plastic channel will be installed on the outside of the exterior wall for the pipes and wires. The pipes and wires are bent down as they protrude from the wall so they fit into the channel. The drain line will be fitted with PVC pipe so the water from condensation will be disbursed onto the ground at the bottom of the channel. The refrigerant hoses and electrical wires are extended and connected to the condenser unit. Coolant is added to the refrigerant lines and the system is pressurized so the coolant can flow back and forth between the outside and inside of your building. The electric wires will be connected and the unit will be turned on to provide cool air to the inside of the building.