Take These Steps To Winterize Your AC System
Before winter officially hits, it helps to get your AC system ready for the cold. Winterizing your AC system will ensure that your system is in good working order. The best way to do this is by getting professional help to maintain your AC system.
Store Window Units
If you own window units, it's best to remove them and store them someplace in your home. Many people do choose to keep their window units throughout the winter months. However, window units will be better protected inside during the low temperatures of the season when they are not needed. In the summer, you can easily take them out of storage and use them as a cooling unit again.
Clean the Outside Unit
If you have an outdoor air conditioner, then it is important to clean outside units. Remove any leaves or twigs that can get trapped in the air conditioning unit. Then take a wet washcloth and wipe any dirt or dust that appears on the exterior. Try not to bend any fans or ruin any other parts of the unit. Last, let your unit dry off before moving on to the next task of winterization.
Use a Cover
A cover will prevent any foreign dirt and debris from entering the unit over the winter. You can find covers online or at any local hardware store. You can also use a tarp to cover the unit if you don't want to purchase a cover. The most important thing is that you cover the top so that sticks or icicles don't fall and badly damage it. Remember when it gets warmer to remove the cover once you turn your AC on so that your unit doesn't overheat.
Change the Air Filter
If you haven't already changed the air filter, then now would be a good time. You should replace air filters every three to four months for the best results. Change them sooner if you live in an area with lots of wind or construction areas. Doing so will stop it from getting clogged and damaging your AC system.
After winterizing your AC system, it should be in excellent working order and run smoothly for the upcoming season. Then you should look into preparing your heater for the cold. An HVAC technician will come over to your home to check for leaks or other issues. After following these steps, you can be assured of a safe and comfortable winter.
For more information, visit websites like http://www.coeheatcool.com.